For the prestigious University Blues & Colours 2019 Awards, DUBC submitted a number of applications to recognise the sporting and volunteering achievements of our members. Attending the West Park Conference Centre on Thursday evening, the club was delighted to see all applicants successfully receive their awards.
For the Merit awards, which recognise a members dedication to their club in going above and beyond their role, three of our rowers took to the stage to collect their awards:
Fiona Lapp, 2nd Year Mathematics, for her unfailing commitment as a member of the Equipment team this past year. She has spent countless hours at the boathouse in Inchyra, assisting Club Master Aaron in everything from blade painting, boat repairs and boathouse refurbishments.
Harry Rogerson-Gleave, 2nd Year Economics & International Relations, which recognises his continued dedication to the club in both being a member of the Equipment team and driving the club's trailer to competitions up and down the country. He has proved he is a reliable and committed member to the committee and it's thanks to him that the club has been able to successfully partake in competitions this past year.
Matthew Simpson, 3rd Year Law & French, accepting his merit to recognise the mammoth effort he has put into developing the club's social media and social standing in the past 2 years. Through creating campaigns and spending hours on promotional material, he has helped to solidify the club's highly respected standing both within Scottish Rowing and the University Sports Union.
For the Colours awards, four members were celebrated for their sporting achievements within the club, with the awarding of three colours and a half-blue:
Eleanor Brinkhoff, 4th Year Physiological Sciences, received a half-blue for her dominant sporting success since joining the club as a complete beginner to the sport. Both within her crew and in her single, she has had an incredible competitive season finishing with 15 medals in total! As ex-Club Captain and dedicated athlete, she continues to inspire her fellow club members, as she and her crew now turn their eyes to Women's Henley Regatta later this year.
Hannah Campbell, 3rd Year Mechanical Engineering, added to her Merit award from last year with a Colour from this year's ceremony! As Club Captain this past year, Hannah has never failed to impress both her crew mates and the members that she leads as she's balanced her captain responsibilities with her degree, and still managed to compete at a high sporting standard.
Katie Canniford, 2nd Year Adult Nursing, received her first honour of a Colour from the University Sports Union, which recognises her determined and dedicated nature to the sport of rowing. Despite juggling placements and night shifts, Katie has always proved to be a reliable crew mate and ultimately has proved she is worthy of taking on the role of Women's Captain this next year!
Fiona Lapp, 2nd Year Mathematics, returned to the stage for a second time to collect her Colour award, which with her crewmates, symbolises their incredible competitive success from the past year. Winning as a 4 in every competition attended, Fiona also proudly boasts 2 medals from competing in her single from Aberdeen BC and Inverness RC - a success in itself considering she has only been rowing for a year and a half.
Following the individual awards, our President Eleanor also collected the club's Gold Accreditation which cements the club's standard as one of the top operating clubs within the Sports Union. As the evening drew to a close, the awards for DUBC were far from over...
Within the trophy awards, the club was honoured to receive the University of Dundee Graduates Association Award for Publicity! Having been awarded the same trophy at the end of the 2016/17 season, the club is very proud to be named it's recipient once again. It recognises the club's increased drive in its social media promotions, excellent internal and external communications, and recent successful efforts in strengthening alumni relations! The trophy was collected by soon to be Club Captain Matthew Simpson, who has spearheaded the club's mission in developing its promotions and publicity, through his capacity as Sponsorship & Communications Convenor this past year.
Many thanks to the University Sports Union for recognising our achievements and its continued support in recent years. Our committee now look forward to the Blues & Colours Ball at the Old Course, St. Andrew's on Friday 22nd March.