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Beth Forrester - Made of More

My name is Beth Forrester, and my hometown is near St. Andrews. I grew up in America and moved back to Scotland for high school. I started my Biochemistry degree in Aberdeen but after first year I transferred to Dundee. Dundee is renowned for its Life Sciences and so it was a no brainer to move back closer to home for the remaining 3 years of my degree. I am currently in my final week of 4th year which is surreal as it passed incredibly fast. I joined DUBC when I started at Dundee, and it has been without a doubt what has made my University experience.

Outside of rowing, I am also in the University’s Sub-Aqua club which has seen me get both my ocean and sport diver qualifications as well as my assistant diving instructor qualification. The scuba club head west some weekends to dive, and it has been a completely different yet equally enjoyable way to spend any spare time that I have. Diving and rowing fill most of my weekends but I wouldn’t change it. I also enjoy hiking and open water swimming (in the summer!)

I had never rowed before coming to Dundee and so it was a completely new skill to throw myself into which helped me make lots of great friends. Before I delved into the world of boats, I did quite a bit of running. Both trail and distance, and so I had a base level of fitness to start the sport but nothing anywhere near to some of the senior rowers in the club. Growing up I did lots of running, swimming, and horse riding and so team/ crew sports where completely new to me!

My proudest achievement since joining DUBC cannot just be one! I was physically proud of getting Bronze in both my beginner category at Scottish Indoor Champs as well as Student Women’s category 2 years later. But overall, I am most proud of the technical improvements I have made over the 3 years I have been in the club. A lot of momentum was lost over covid, but I think the club as a whole recovered significantly well and we all came back eager and keen to make the most of the time we had lost. My aspirations whilst being in the club were to push myself every single session and make the most out of the opportunities the club gave me. I enjoy rowing as a sport because not only is it incredibly physically demanding, but it also requires a great deal of skill and precision.

I try my best to maintain a good uni/ life balance by keeping on top of studying during the week which leaves my weekends free for training, hiking, scuba, or anything outdoors that involves the water or sun! Rowing definitely helps me stay on top of uni work so that I don’t have to spend my weekends inside and can spend them on the Tay instead!

The training programme our student coaching team has developed also helps cut down training time as it is much more efficient following the schedule as supposed to spending hours training and not getting much out of it. This allows me to take down time in the evenings and sneak back home to take my dog out for walks or meet up with the rest of the club for socials.

This club has brought me so much happiness even during the hardest sessions. Whether that be on land or on the water, there is always something to be proud of, laugh about or improve on. Each and every person has something different to bring to the club and I think this is what makes us as unique a club as we are. We do not have the opportunities other rowing clubs are gifted with, but we hold our own and make lots of embarrassing, yet special memories in doing so.


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